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10/04 - 10/10 cvs flyer & deals

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alka-seltzer cool mint gum 1 pk $.49
-$.49 alka seltzer cool mint gum 1 pk crt (cpn# 48000, should print for everyone 10/04-10/10)

crest toothpaste , oral-b , glide , & scope (select) $2.99 get $5 wyb 3 limit 2
-$1 wyb Oral-B Manual Toothbrush or Pulsar for select varieties, any size. excludes Healthy Clean, Indicator, Cavity Defense, Fresh & Clean, travel and trial sizes, limit 3. Expires October 11, 2020 2:59 AM ibotta offer (offers may vary & exp may change)
-$1 Crest Toothpaste 3 oz or more (excludes 4.6 oz Crest Cavity, Regular, Base Baking Soda, Tartar Control/Protection, F&W Pep Gleem, Gum Detoxify and Gum Enamel variants, Whitening Therapy variants, Kids, Brilliance and trial/travel size), Exp 10/24/20 digital coupon
-$1 Crest Mouthwash 473 mL (16 oz) or larger (excludes trial/travel size), Exp 10/24/20 digital coupon
-$1 Oral-B Adult Manual Toothbrush (excludes Pulsar, Multi-Packs, TWIN Packs, Kids, Healthy Clean, Cavity Defense and trial/travel size), Exp 10/24/20 digital coupon
-$1 Oral-B Glide Manual Floss, Floss Picks, Interdental Brush OR Interdental Picks (excludes trial/travel size), Exp 10/24/20 digital coupon
-$1 Crest toothpaste or liquid gel 3oz. or more (excludes 4.6oz,. Cavity, Baking Soda, Tartar Control Protection, Kids, trial/travel), exp 10/10/20 (09/27/20 pg)
limit 2
-$1 Crest or Oral-B Mouthwash 473ml/16oz or larger, exp 10/10/20 (09/27/20 pg) limit 2

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= as low as free | = $1 or less

babo unbleached bamboo bath tissue 8 pk (SKU 236686) $6.99 get $6 limit 1 per week 09/27-10/10
regional deal?
advertised on shelf signage

other sales
blue diamond almonds 6 oz $3.69 or 2/$5
-$.25 wyb Blue Diamond Snack Almonds for any variety, limit 5. excludes 1.5 oz pouch. Expires October 25, 2020 8:11 PM ibotta offer (offers may vary & exp may change)
-$2 off 2 Blue Diamond Almonds, Exp 10/04/20 digital coupon (no longer available)
-$1 OFF 2 Blue Diamond Almonds 5 oz. or larger (including bags) Exp 11/04/20 digital coupon

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* all deals subject to change/regional differences *
always check your local ad!
sneak peek of the ad for your area can be accessed at on thursday before the sale week.

thanks and credit to ``Hiro & another Sue for babo tag photos | coupon confidants | meeks_couponlife @ instagram
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