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february 2025 clearance

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cvs clearance
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20 + upvotes, awesome contributor, 10 + upvotes

Clairol Balaylage Clearance
Warehouse must have found a ton more because the stores by me are getting them back in.
I found 24 tonight @$3.99, so $.99 + tax each after Insert Q.
Just a fabulous deal on $16.00 Hair Color.

contributed by
20 + upvotes, awesome contributor, 10 + upvotes

Gillette Clearance Find
Mach 3 Refills 12 Pack were $38.99 x 25% - $3.00 DQ = $6.75
Your store prices may be even cheaper.
This one store had 29 in stock hidden on an end cap in the rear of the store.
People thought I was nuts until one woman asked if she could have 2 and of course I obliged.
I did them all one after another at the SCO.
I will probably get $15.00 each. Not a bad deal.
$15.00 - ($9.75 * 1.08625 - $3.00) * 27 = $200.04 Profit.
Even if I dump them for $13.00 it would be
$13.00 - ($9.75 * 1.08625 - $3.00) * 27 = $146.04 Profit

clearance tips:

  • clearance availability and discount varies from store to store
  • clearance items do not count towards extrabucks deals
  • clearance items may not be included in store inventory counts
    Instacart may be useful for checking item availability and in-store prices
  • clearance usually runs on a 10 day cycle - if it is 10% off, 10 days later it is 25% off, 10 days later it is 50% off, etc (credit: mark)

previous clearance finds