& rebates
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february cvs deals cvs clearance cvs y más cvs valentine’s day shop

11/03 - 11/09

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= as low as free | = $1 or less

advil cold or sinus congestion , robitussin , & dimetapp (select) get $3 limit 1
Robitussin 4 OZ psa $8.29
-$3 Robitussin Adult product, exp 11/10/19 (11/03/19 rmn)
-$3 Advil Respiratory product
-$3 Adult Robitussin product

Ageless Innovation Joy Cat get $10 limit 1
advertised on

aleve & bayer aspirin bogo 50% off get $8 wyb $20 limit 1
aleve Back & Muscle Pain 24 ct reg psa $5.99-$6.49!
Aleve Back & Muscle pain 50 ct reg psa $8.29-$8.49!

-$3 aleve back & muscle pain 24 ct+ (no longer available)

almay cosmetics get $4 wyb $10 limit 6
10% back w/ beauty club
-$4 crt (printing for everyone 11/03-11/09)

Boost nutritional beverages 8 oz 24 pk get $8 limit 1
advertised on

Boost nutritional beverage 12 pks get $8 wyb 2 limit 1
advertised on

Calming Comfort 20 pound blanket get $25 limit 1
advertised on

caress body wash 13.5-18 oz or soap 6 pk & st. ives body wash 24 oz get $10 wyb $15 limit 1
caress body wash 18 oz psa $5.99-$6.49!
st. ives body wash 24 oz psa $4.99-$5.29!
10% back w/ beauty club
-$1 caress body wash product, 12 oz+ excludes 25.4oz pumps or beauty bar 6pk+ or caress botanicals bar, exp 11/16/19 (11/03/19 rmn)
-$1 st. ives face care or body wash product, ets, exp 11/17/19 (11/03/19 rmn)

colgate total mouthwash 500 ml & optic white mouthwash 16 oz $3.99 get $2 limit 2
-$1 colgate mouthwash or mouth rinse (400 ml or larger)

covergirl cosmetics get $5 wyb 2 limit 1
10% back w/ beauty club
-$3 crt (printing for everyone 11/03-11/09)
-$1 covergirl foundation or powder (excludes cheekers, accessories, and travel/trial size)
-$1 covergirl mascara (excludes accessories and trial/travel size)
-$1 covergirl lip product (excludes accessories and travel/trial size)
-$1 COVERGIRL Mascara (excludes accessories and trial/travel size), exp 11/16/19
-$1 COVERGIRL Lip Product (excludes accessories and travel/trial size), exp 11/16/19
-$1 COVERGIRL Foundation or Powder (excludes Cheekers, accessories, and travel/trial size), exp 11/16/19

Creme Shop cosmetics get $3 wyb $10 limit 1
advertised on
10% back w/ beauty club

CVS Health Acne Care get $5 wyb $15 limit 1
advertised on
10% back w/ beauty club

CVS Health allergy relief get $3 limit 1
advertised on

Diabetic supplies (select) get $5 wyb $25 limit 4
advertised on

eucerin (select) get $10 wyb $20 limit 1
Skin Calming Daily Moisturizing Creme 8 oz psa $9.99 included!
-$3.50 Eucerin Body 8 oz+, Baby or Face Product

fandango, regal, amc cinemas, national amusement, & cinemark gift cards get $10 wyb 50 limit 1
terms, fees, & conditions may apply

garden of life vitamins, protein powder, & probiotics (select) get $10 limit 1
mykind Organics Vegan D3 Chewables 30 CT reg psa $14.99 included
-15% off health products on with code
-$2 off $5 vitamins, any with code

hallmark cards reg $2+ get $3 wyb 3 limit 1
$.99 cards reported included as of 11/04

halls cough drops 25-30 ct get $1 wyb 2/$4 limit 1
-$1 wyb 2 Halls Products 10 ct+, any variety, exp 11/27/19. Items must appear on the same receipt. savingstar offer (no longer available to acitvate, join savingstar here)
-$1 wyb 2 halls 10 ct+, between 12:00 AM October 31, 2019 and 11:59 PM November 6, 2019, limit 5. "Cannot use this offer with any other print or in-app coupon or rebate." checkout51 offer (offers may vary by user)
-$1.25 off 2 Halls Products 10ct or larger, exp 12/14/19 (11/03/19 ss)

K-Beauty facial care get $7 wyb $15 limit 1
advertised on
10% back w/ beauty club

Kiss false eyelashes get $4 wyb $12 limit 1
advertised on
10% back w/ beauty club

L'Oreal Rouge Signature get $2 limit 1
advertised on
10% back w/ beauty club

Liquid IV 6 ct get $5 limit 1
advertised on

milk 1 gallon get $1 limit 2
regional deal, check your local ad
excludes flavored

Nivea Men's shaving needs get $5 wyb 2 limit 1
advertised on

Omron BP5 Blood Pressure Monitor get $10 limit 1
advertised on

Omron BP7 or Wrist Blood Pressure monitors get $15 limit 1
advertised on

Omron BP10 or BP7000 Blood Pressure Monitors or Body Scales get $20 limit 1
advertised on

Pert 25.4 oz get $2 limit 1
advertised on
10% back w/ beauty club

Pop-arazzi nail polish get $4 wyb 2 limit 1
psa $2.99 or 2/$5!
excludes kits
10% back w/ beauty club

Rimmel cosmetics get $8 wyb $12 limit 1
Brow This Way Gel Sculpting Kit & Scandal Eye Shadow Stick psa $4.59-$4.99!
Exaggerate Eyeliner psa $6.79-$6.99!

10% back w/ beauty club
-$2 Rimmel Eye Product, exp 11/30/19 (09/22/19 ss)

Schick Hydro Men's razors get $3 limit 1
advertised on

shea moisture hair care & body wash get $10 wyb $20 limit 1
excludes sachets
10% back w/ beauty club
-$3 (11/03/19 inserts)

So Cozy hair care get $4 wyb $10 limit 1
advertised on
10% back w/ beauty club

Softsoap body was 15-18 oz & liquid hand soap 13 oz get $3 wyb 2 limit 4
advertised on

speed stick / lady speed stick singles $2.99 get $2 limit 1
-$.50 Speed Stick Antiperspirant/Deodorant (excluding trial/travel size)

suave hair care (select) get $2 wyb 2/$6 limit 1
10% back w/ beauty club
-$2 off 2 Suave Professionals Product, exp 11/17/19 (10/20/19 ss)
-$1 Suave Professionals Product, exp 11/17/19 (10/20/19 ss)

Toppik hair care get $10 wyb $25 limit 1
advertised on
10% back w/ beauty club

Total Home or Just the Basics household products get $5 wyb $15 (limit ?)
advertised on

Vinylux nail polish get $5 wyb 2 limit 1
advertised on
10% back w/ beauty club

Yes to Facial or Acne get $6 wyb $12 limit 1
advertised on
10% back w/ beauty club

other sales

$10 cvs cash card wyb $30 select items limit 1

or get $10 on
see ad for additional items included

general mills cereal 10.8-15.2 oz $1.99
excludes fiber one 10.6-14 oz
-$1 wyb 2 general mills cereal listed: cheerios • cinnamon toast crunch • lucky charms • reese's puffs • chex • cocoa puffs • trix • cookie crisp • golden grahams • kix • fiber one • wheaties • raisin nut bran • total • basic 4 • oatmeal crisp • nature valley granola (pouches)... expires 11/30/2019 savingstar offer (join savingstar here)
-$1.50 off 3 chex cereals: rice chex • corn chex • wheat chex• honey nut chex ...
-$1 off 2 General Mills Cheerios Boxes, exp 11/09/19 (09/29/19 ss)
-$1 off 3 general mills cereal listed: cheerios • cinnamon toast crunch • lucky charms ...

progresso soup 14-19 oz & annie's organic soup 14-14.3 oz $1.67 or 3/$4

* all deals subject to change/regional differences *
always check your local ad!
sneak peek of the ad for your area can be accessed at on thursday before the sale week.

sources: | the couponing couple | living rich with coupons | wild for cvs

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