- $3 off $15, exp 120609
- $4 off $20, exp 120609
- $5 off $30, exp 120609
- $5 off $40, exp 120609
- $3 Hershey's or Reese's Holiday packaged candy 8-8.5 oz, exp 120609
warning: only deducts $1 when scanned, cashier should adjust if you point it out! - $3 Prevacid 24-HR, exp 120609
my standard disclaimer:
the coupons for specific items have been working for anyone in the past. the $/$$ coupons ($5 off $30, etc.) will beep "not for card" if they were not emailed to you. see the cvs coupon guide for more details.
please let me know if you received any other cvs email coupons this week!
my source: