reinventing beauty magazine coupons, exp 06/30 (look for in store)
Jennifer Aniston is on the cover of this issue.
price is $.99
this is the coupon pullout...

reinventing beauty magazine may be found by the weekly flyers, with the other magazines, by the cash registers, in the cosmetic aisle... anywhere really! be warned though, they can be difficult to find.
some stores may have the coupon pullout available separately for free!
manufacturer's coupons included...
♥ $1.50 off Irish Spring cool relief Scrub or conditioning hair and body wash, exp 06/30/09
♥ $1 off any one:
Roto V cool, arctic, or ice drops
Oxy max pads 90ct, max wash, clear spot treatment, senstive pads 90 ct, sensitive wash, or sensitive spot treatment
Softlips vanilla, cherry, raspberry, or strawberry lip balm
exp 06/30/09
♥ $1 off Hershey Bliss 8.6 oz +, exp 06/30/09
♥ $1 off Smooth Away hair removal exp 07/31/09

♥ $2 off Softsoap ensembles pump with base (there are 2 of these)
1st coupon pictured has exp 06/30/09
2nd coupon pictured does not have an expiration date printed on it.
♥ $1.50 off Softsoap Scrub Bodywash (excludes 2 oz) exp 06/30/09
♥ $2 off Veet, any exp 09/30/09
cvs coupons included...
♥ $2 off 24.7 minerals, any exp 06/30/09
♥ $1 off Blade, any exp 06/30/09
♥ $2 off Christophe, any exp 06/30/09
♥ $1 off Fruitopia, any exp 06/30/09
♥ $2 off Skin Effects, any exp 06/30/09
♥ $1 off Vickery & Clarke, any exp 06/30/09
♥ $1 off Viologie, any exp 06/30/09