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colgate total $1.50 coupon from aetna officially "withdrawn"

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there has been some debate about this coupon, so i just wanted to let "i ♥ cvs" readers know the latest...

colgate says they will not pay for "future" redemptions of this coupon. (the statement was released today, 3/17/09) the good news is that they admitted their error in allowing the coupon to be posted on aetna's site the way it was and did not try to blame us for "hacking" into the site or counterfeiting the coupon. (remember vyrl mkt?)

here is the statement from the cic website:
"Colgate-Palmolive Company has withdrawn the $1.50 toothpaste coupon offer reproduced below. Retailers should no longer accept this coupon. This offer, which was intended for a limited number of Aetna customers, was inadvertently placed on the Aetna web site in a PDF format. The file was immediately removed upon discovery of the error. A few honest consumers legitimately downloaded and used the unauthorized coupon during the short time period it was available. These individuals should be complimented for their savvy shopping and we appreciate their efforts during these challenging economic times. Unfortunately, a few individuals have reproduced the coupon without authorization; posted the image on various web sites; transferred it to others; and even modified it in violation of the terms and conditions included in the coupon offer and possibly Federal law. As a result, Colgate-Palmolive will not pay for future submissions of this reproduced image. Colgate-Palmolive regrets this error and has instituted an internal education program in conjunction with the Coupon Information Corporation (CIC) and will work with its partners to prevent a re-occurrence. This public service announcement has been provided by The Colgate-Palmolive Company, and by The Coupon Information Corporation, a not-for-profit organization dedicated to enhancing the integrity of the coupon redemption process. Visit the CIC web site at for more information."