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not included in weekly ad, advertised on cvs.com
thanks to alli
$5 ExtraBucks Rewards for purchasing select Fragrances $19.99 & Up
$4 ExtraBucks Rewards for spending $15 on Almay Cosmetics or Make Up Remover
$3 ExtraBucks Rewards for spending $10 on B360 Cotton products
$10 ExtraBucks Rewards for purchasing 3 Flower Beauty Cosmetics
$6 ExtraBucks Rewards for spending $12 on Milani Cosmetics
$6 ExtraBucks Rewards for purchasing 2 Neutrogena Cosmetics
$8 ExtraBucks Rewards for purchasing 2 Pop-Arazzi Cosmetics
$4 ExtraBucks Rewards for spending $12 on Rimmel Cosmetics
$10 ExtraBucks Rewards for spending $30 on select Eucerin or Aquaphor products
$4 ExtraBucks Rewards for spending $12 on Danielle Facial products
$3 ExtraBucks Rewards for spending $10 on Yes to Facial products
$3 ExtraBucks Rewards for spending $10 on select Vaseline products
$10 ExtraBucks Rewards for spending $30 on select Sleep Boutique, Masks, Supplements or Lotions
$4 ExtraBucks Rewards for spending $10 on So Cozy Hair Care products
$5 ExtraBucks Rewards for spending $10 on wet n wild Cosmetics - excludes fantasy makers
$10 ExtraBucks Rewards for spending $30 on Spa Science Tools
Household & Grocery
ExtraBucks Rewards for a Free Trick or Treat Coloring Bag for purchasing Hershey Halloween Jumbo Snack Size
Personal Care
$4 ExtraBucks Rewards for purchasing 2 select products (CVS adult care)
$5 ExtraBucks Rewards for spending $18 on select CloSYS Toothpaste or Oral Rinse
$8 ExtraBucks Rewards for purchasing Arc Whitening, Oral-B Precision Clean or Clic Toothbrush
$5 ExtraBucks Rewards for purchasing 2 Spotlight Oral Care products
Health Care
$3 ExtraBucks Rewards for spending $12 on select CVS Health Foot Care products
$5 ExtraBucks Rewards for purchasing select Claritin 56-70ct
$2 ExtraBucks Rewards for purchasing CVS Health Diabetic Socks
$10 ExtraBucks Rewards for purchasing Omron BP 10, BP 7000 Blood Pressure or Body Scale
$10 ExtraBucks Rewards for purchasing CVS BP S400 Blood Pressure or Pulse Oximeter
$30 ExtraBucks Rewards for purchasing Omron Blood Pressure and EKG
$15 ExtraBucks Rewards when you purchase Roscoe Pulse Oximeter
$4 ExtraBucks Rewards for purchasing 2 Pataday Eye Care or Allergy products
$10 ExtraBucks Rewards for purchasing 2 CVS Health Nicotine Replacement - excludes 10-20ct gum or lozenge
$3 ExtraBucks Rewards for purchasing Compound W Liquid - excludes nitro freeze
$3 ExtraBucks Rewards for purchasing Compound W Nitro Freeze
$4 ExtraBucks Rewards for purchasing Opti-Free or Clean & Clear Twin Packs
$10 ExtraBucks Rewards for purchasing Garden of Life Probiotics
$5 ExtraBucks for spending $25 on Hydration products
always check your local ad!
sneak peek of the ad for your area can be accessed at cvs.com on thursday before the sale week.
sources / credit:
cvs.com | the couponing couple
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